Woodland cushions!

So I have to admit, I’m a bit of a hippy. I love the thought of being in a wooded area surrounded by animals! Snow White’s life sounded idyllic.. bar the fact she was on someone’s hit list!

So when I was asked to make some cushions for a children’s nursery the theme was a no brainer – woodland animals! Who doesn’t love a cute little badger?! (ahem, ignore the fairly recent news items before steam starts to escape my ears…) My only problem was that I had to choose just 4 characters. Queue lots of list making: pro’s and cons, “are wolves scary to children?”, “If I sew a squirrel will the children actually recognise what it is?!”

And onto the making..

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I think if I were to do this again I would try to make the animals a bit more uniform.. and change the foxes’ eyes. I don’t feel like I have quite found my ‘style’ yet. It was fun all the same, and quite cute to have them all lined up ready for posting 🙂

Bear x