Headbands and Collars

I’ve been awful. It’s been a few weeks since my last post, after I had a big word with myself about how important it was to keep it updated! But sometimes things get in the way so, again, I’ll keep on trying to find time to blog.

Now, with my new blog I decided that I wanted to bring new things to my shop. Things that I like and that I would wear. Eventually I will branch out with other items, but I am a strong believer that I should make products that I can relate to.

So at the moment I am creating a range of wearable accessories, beginning with headbands and collars: simple items that can completely change a wardrobe. Lets begin with the collars…

I started off with this jazzy number – something to brighten up your day and impossible to be sad whilst you’re wearing it!



Then I decided to go for another cheerful fabric but with a more subtle and natural colourImage

These retro fabrics show how versatile a collar can be!


Next I would like to explore using lace and maybe try to crochet some collars, but so far I am pleased with the results. If you would like to buy any of my collars please Click Here.

Next up are the headbands. I had a hoard of fat quarters in gorgeous fabrics that I didn’t dare cut into, but I braved it and this snazzy headband was a result:


I then decided to use this cheeky material – how could I resist?!


If you would like to buy any of my headbands Click Here

Anyone who knows me understands how bad I am about cutting into new fabric – I have boxes and boxes of material with so much potential to be created into some gorgeous garments. I get too worried that I’ll use it up and make something that only a mother could love! But I’m slowly getting better and one of these days my loft will be clear of those boxes! And hey – I even made some turbans!

I hope you enjoy these products, they’re all for sale as well as so much more! To see all of the products at Bear Paw Crafts pleas visit my Etsy store: www.bearpawcraft.etsy.com

Bear x

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